Free premium WordPress Theme – Oxygen
Every month Themeforest have one item available for free on it’s market place. This month the free item is a very nice premium WordPress theme, usually worth $40.
The theme is called Oxygen and is a great feature rich premium WordPress theme. The theme is easily customizable with a variety of widgets, options and short-codes making it easy for non-designers and designers a like. This Theme could be used for a number of websites including Business, portfolio and blogging.
Here’s a quick run through of the main features (you can find the full list and download it here).
- Portfolio – The theme has three different styles of portfolios available – with one, two and three columns.
- Gallery – Has it’s own built in photo gallery.
- Homepage – This theme has great looking and extremely customizable homepage. You have the option of using one static picture, or a slider. If you feel more ascetic, you can use none of these and just stick with info blocks and text areas.
- Blog – Nice feature rich blog with lots of options and shortcodes.
- Colours – Oxygen comes in six different colours.
- Widgets – OXYGEN comes with five custom widgets, that allow you do whatever you want with your sidebar.
- Shortcodes – OXYGEN has more than 30 handy shortcodes, including buttons, spacers, quotes and layout columns.
- Custom admin panel – This theme comes with its own customer admin panel making it even easier to select theme options, colours, add content and much more.
This free premium WordPress theme is only free until the end of October, so go ahead and grab it now and add it to your collection – you never know when you might need it.
Themeforest is just one marketplace from Envato be sure to check out the other marketplaces for other helpful design elements such as photos, graphics, code, tutorials, video and much more. All marketplaces have a free file each month, so be sure to check back and grab some useful and worthwhile freebies.